Monday, March 29, 2010


^_^ Heyas~ Yes, this is like a week and a half late, but I had nothing at all to post last week...twas an uneventful 7 days, methinks. At least I have a little to write about this week? Maybe? Well, we'll see.

I'm holding a picnic birthday for myself :D:D:D I wonder if it'll fail, but we shall see, ne~~~ Jells Park, on my actual birthday, with friends from anime club, korner, high school, and possibly even a few other areas of life :3 The only problem is I suck at organising events where everyone kinda needs to bring something; I'm not as gifted as Celiney, after all! Still need ideas for what to do at the bbq picnic thingy, but at least I did decide on an optional dress theme :P If I'm honest, I prolly need help with this, though. Got assignments to get done asap, will be in another state for the 4 or so days before the event itself, and probably can't even manage to purchase the discounted post-Easter choccy =\ Maybe blind optimism isn't the way to go here...

I can has had haircut! SQUEE! Both Seb and I were incredibly nervous during the haircut...initially I looked way too eerily similar to a certain someone we both dislike, and it got to the point where Seb had to go sit down elsewhere xD But it was a miracle! That hairdresser is amazingly talented :3 Made me look far better than either Seb or I thought possible~ (Now I just fail at replicating the hairstyle =\) Seemed liked a cross between my two favourite people in existence (Massu<3<3<3<3<3<3<3>

Decided to do what I didn't wanna do last night, and had the talk with Ed on MSN. Took a lot out of me, but he accepted it. Talked again with him today...everything seemed kinda back to normal, and I was constantly reminded why I like him xD It's all too possible something casual might come out of all this...we'll see, ne :P

I've bothered you all long enough, and I've certainly procrastinated more than enough over the past few days. Time to actually do that assignment so I can get on with the rest of the week, prep for Canberra, and prep for my bday :3


1 comment:

  1. You fail at life with the hair straightner ! And squeeeee ~ can't wait for the BBQ =D
