Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Missed me? Prolly not xD

Hey guys ^_^ Firstly, here be the link to my old blog: This crappy site seems to think that I don't own that blog, and so I have been forced to create a new one. Well, at least I didn't lose any dessert as a consequence, which would've made me truly grouchy.

So what's been going on in Phe's world? Well, I'm not going to explain everything that happened since my last blog (almost a whole year ago xD) but surely it's safe to assume that because I'm still here, nothing too awful could have happened? O.o? Yeah, it's prolly safe to assume that. This is made easier by the fact that I have trouble remembering things that happened hours ago, let alone months...on reflection it seems I can remember with remarkable clarity events that involved me drinking...>.>...go figure?

*Munches on year old candy* I may be the only person on our planet who'll say it, but HOORAY FOR PRESERVATIVES~. Hmm, the recent past... Well, since a day or so after Christmas I've been struck with another bout of insomnia...but it still hasn't gone away yet, AND is now at the point where I get no sleep at all =\ With the start of the new year I began seeing someone...someone who I don't get to see very often (we live on opposite sides of the city -_-;;), and who works two jobs...and someone whose last boyfriend probably has more in common with me than the someone does...>.> I've honestly kinda felt a bit on edge for a while about that, because I don't wanna be the one who just prods at a sore spot on a mending heart =\. And yet, part of me wonders why this person contacted me at all, seeing as one of those main similarities between me and the heartbreaker ex (liking of pandas) was all too obvious in a photo of me...

In my internal musings I've finally concluded that I want more from a relationship than I'm currently getting or giving in this one...being able to see that special someone more than once a week (if lucky =\) can't be too much to ask for, no? Being able to express yourself as you are is certainly a prerequisite for a good relationship, yes? I'd have thought that was a no-brainer, honestly. And yet I haven't ended the relationship yet...>.> *cough cough* LUST *cough cough* xD At this junction, I intend to end the relationship next time we meet, despite the infrequency of such meetings...and yet doing that via text or msn just seems absolutely abhorrent to me, so it's my only option.

O-week last week; you can tell what kind of week it was purely by the claim that free jam donuts a couple of times a day was one of the highlights -_-. Oh! And I got handed a spiffy manga (complete with poster and cd) from Kyra-chan~, including a chapter based mainly on the most gorgeous person in existence: Massu-chan from News <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3>were also a good handful of pretty people at uni for the three days of O-week :P talked to one in particular who joined either the anime club or the rp club (I can't remember which) and seems a bubbly, conversational person who might even be interested in me, but unfortunately I haven't seen him since last week =\. I'm keeping a lookout, lol.

Speaking or pretty people, "yaoi zing", the hour or so when both 'juuhito' Stuart is working in Grain Express and I get to force Eloise to draw some random yaoi related scene (frequently involving something useful, I might add xD), had its almost but not quiote inaugural session on the very first Monday of semester :P They were amusing, but I think we can agree that the chibi version of the airport security elves was a failure~ Unsure if it will remain that same bat time, same bat channel quite yet *shrug*.

Oh wow, I can't believe how much I've missed blogging; I feel ^^ Maybe I'll have more success tonight :3 Bed can wait a little while longer though, methinks. I also wanted to mention in this blog, for anyone who may be interested, that it seems my midsem break was booked out before the end of the first day back at uni O_o first half consisting of heading up to Canberra to celebrate friend's 21st, back down to Vic, perchance celebrating mine if all is timely (which it won't be :P...Phe? Punctual? PAH!), and then heading off to Adelaide with family so I can spend a couple of days at the zoo staring at the pandas, and so they can go see the footy :P A good deal, methinks ^^So much for roadtrip with friends, but at least this way I don't have to pay, I guess?

...I've prolly already risked getting glanced at by Zac who will comment on too long a post or something along those lines, so I'll force my fingers to shut up now~ Minna, oyasumi


...also, feel free to comment :3


  1. apparently i can use my lj account to comment here... AWESOME :D

    Mondays seem like a damn good time for YaoiZing and i will attempt better (much less fail - because it really really was) pics next week *has been practising poses* that sexy pyjama party pic is gonna come in handy >:3 *snickers at many innuendoes in last 4 words*

    good luck with the sleep *hands you warm milk, cuddly toy, a real kakashi (though that may not help with *sleep*) and a fluffy blanket. night night~

  2. Yay I can has Phe on Blogspot ! So I recommend Camomille tea for sleep ! :)

    Also I NEED TO SEE THAT cute Grain Express right now ! Yes NOW !! =D
