Friday, May 7, 2010

I'll level with ya

Heyas. I get told every so often to update because I don't do it ultimate response is that I get practically no comments; how do I know that writing this stuff is worthwhile if I'm not even sure my friends are reading it?

I guess I need to backlog due to my absence of posting, ne? In the month (yeah, okay, it HAS been a while...>.>) since I last posted, there's been:

-Canberra trip
-my bday
-a whole lot of GMing (as always)
-a bit of rping (very, VERY rare these days T_T)
-a particularly crappy Lit midsem test
-all the standard さびしい思い that is always so prevalent in my life anyway
-a trip to the Dentist

Yeah, that looks about right. Let's go backwards and insert some Benny Hill chase music to make it seem like the past month has been heaps of fun~~~

The dentist appointment was yesterday. Walked in, sat down, made a comment about the poster of a tropical beach attached to the roof, pointed out the hole in the side of my top, farthest back molar which has had me fretting like crazy since I stumbled upon its existence a few weeks ago, and then closed my eyes so I wouldn't see the big damn needle. Yes, my gum was supposedly numbed with gel stuff first, but that didn't help me get over the feeling of a needle invading and then lingering in one place for about a minute...This was when なんとかなるさ started playing in my mind, and I LATCHED ONTO IT AS STRONGLY AS A SUGAR ADDICT WITH A VERY SHORT ATTENTION SPAN CAN. Does anyone else hate how there are two different kinds of drills that get used on ya when getting a filling? The smaller high-pitched drill doesn't feel too bad, but the noise itself conjures images in your mind of what it must be doing, and the low-pitched jackhammer (it might as well be one) drill doesn't sound intimidating BUT OH WAIT IT IS. You can feel the big one annihilating your tooth and it hammers out any thoughts in your head other than "Oh god there's a something attacking my mouth!"...It seems I had more resolve than I thought I possibly could; NEWS, specifically, Massu, got me through that ordeal (yes, I consider 'ordeal' to be the perfect word in this instance). It helped that the chorus was repetitive and the message of the song is positive. I eventually walked out of the Dentist's practice still intact, with a filling and an increased fear of dental surgery.

Hmm, さびしい思い... There's not much in the way of anything specific and not broad/general in regards to this. Haven't seen Ed since, nor really talked to him at all, and I've simply continued onwards with nobody interested in me :D (-_-;;)

Ah, it looks like it's time for Phe to get angry =\ One of my two English subjects for this semester (enjoying neither; one is above me, and the other is simply boring, unfortunately) is coordinated by a man who is an average lecturer, an arbitrary rule maker, and worst of all, a hard marker =\. This frustrates me to no end...He didn't prepare us satisfactorily for our midsem test, and once it was over, decided to change the value of various questions on the already completed tests, playing at mathematics and conjuring up a spiffy bell curve for himself (congratulations on your irrational liking of maths, LITERATURE PROFESSOR. Good one~). >.> okay, I'll try and get over that for now...

Tsugi wa...rping in general :3 Squee~ Having been GMing for this past semester, I've really, sincerely missed roleplaying...So many elves have been thought into existence and then starved to death from lack of eccentric behavioural episodes. A very sad thing, when you realise I love elves even more than I love Massu (which, btw, is starting to become an exceptionally unhealthy obsession, imo). However! I convinced Tom with little effort to start running a game Friday nights; Warhammer Fantasy sees the return of the pansy elf (私) and the halfling (funnily enough, Halfling), with the addition of the graverobber (Amy :3), "the other elf" (Tiffy :3) and the drunk hobbit known as Falcin Dibbley-Firgin (my little brother :3). I've missed this so very much...made me feel a little bit like Phe again, being able to act out an elf~~~~^o^~~~~
The GMing of my samurai game is going fairly well too, I guess; haven't been able to prep much of anything for the players this past week or for the next two weeks, probably, due to assessments...But regardless, I'm happy, because most of my favourites NPCs--canon and otherwise--have made it into the weekly sessions :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Oh yeah, I had a birthday this year, didn't I? It was fun because it was relaxing...and also because people kept telling me to eat their food~~~~ I luffles everybody who was able to make it, btw ^w^ There were great people, there was great food, and I was even given great presents from everyone <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3 (...there should be 20 there). There were cakes, pandas, drinks, strawberries, tigers, dragon eggs, and there was even porn (xP)~~~ Seeing as I might not be in the country next year for my 21st, I relly appreciate being able to celebrate this one with people who are actually important to me :3

Unless I have some sensational moment of inspiration, the last thing to mention in this update is how Canberra went ^_^. The buses by night were amusing if only because my travelling companion sneezed loudly throughout the night (I tend not to be able to sleep while moving anyway)...I guess it was a combination of a cold+LOUDNESS! xD Sorry fellow just amused me to see some of you jump >.>
Canberra itself was great; we got picked up by the birthday girl nice and early on her own birthday, got to her house, everyone tried to sleep but I was prevented from doing so by the only kitty living in that house (there's a good handful of them) that I DIDN'T immediately dislike~ Over that weekend there was a bear hunt, a clothesline pinata bashing fiesta, good food, caring people, formal panda, singstar, a little bit of crying, and a bunch of other things I cannae think of. Thanks Liz :3 One of the highlights was the unspoken making up with Leafy; last time we saw each other I didn't realise it but she was offended by me not paying any attention to her, and since then there's been the Gaia guild falling out which certainly made me resent her. This time we kinda started out ignoring each other's presence and comments to others nearby, until finally we warmed to each other again and worked on being friends again :3 I'm glad I had the opportunity to go back up there ^_^_^_^_^

Nope, no more inspiration nor other things of note forming in my head. Let me leave ya this time with a glomp as well as a stern warning to comment on my blog posts or I won't continue writing them ever :P


  1. For a start I read your blog !

    Second: the BBQ was a lovely day and I has fun there *lol*

    3rd: I HATE dentist. I HATE THEM ALL AND THEY CAN ALL DIE AND FUCK OFF AND DIE AGAIN ! Did I stress on the fact that I hated dentists ? Yes they scare me to death and I cry when one gets near my mouth *lol who would've thought?*

    4th: Uni is shit. That is all

    Euh....Glad you had fun in Canberra-who-is-a-useless-city ! :P

    Snorlax out ~

  2. Ahh, Phe...if I only ever wrote in my blog for the comments, I'd never write in it! (Please completely ignore the fact I've hardly updated it in the last 18 months or so.) Then again, I never started my blog with the expectation that anyone would ever read it, so... *shrugs*

    I wrote an essay for English on dentists when I was in high school. Specifically my fear of them and their evil, drilly, needly ways. And then my mum decided to show said essay TO MY DENTIST. Yeah, thanks mum...that makes me feel SO much better about the process now he knows what's going on in my head while he's playing about in my mouth with his sharp, pointy instruments of PAIN. *ahem* Anyway....

  3. i read you blog=Pjust that i just talk/msn you after reading instead of commenting=P
    i had fun on your birthday too^^
    and dentist is a devil>< do not like dentist at all=P and i do hate the two drills.....i just tense up when i start feeling them.....and YES NEWS helps but not a lot=P

  4. Phe-chan, there are people who read this, so you are loved and especially those of us that work and between that and your busy uni schedule like to still keep tabs on how you are - We luffles you Phe.... ~nya~

  5. =3 =3 =3 we obviously need to roleplay more with you as a player =D you know I'm willing to GM anytime =D and I promise not to do anything too douchey

  6. Ash reads this when she remembers but doesn't comment 'cause she has nothing relevant to say 'cept for 'nya', 'luffles' and '*hugs*'. Will give it a go, though...

    Hm, dentist sounds scary and un-fun but perhaps one of them there necessary evils? Dunno I haven't been since...actually I can't remember the last time I went though I think I was still in school. Moving on, your birthday picnic thing was awesomeness in picnic form. Glad that you enjoyed it too (there's no point otherwise, really). Also glad the weather held out ^_^

    Finally, bell curves are mean and I hate them. Unreasonable lecturer type person is unreasonable and sounds frustrating. When I rise up with my army of chibi cat-person minions and take over the world the frustrating types will be high on my list of people to sort out. *nod nod*

    I know nothing about anything else you posted and therefore have nothing remotely relevant to say. So, in conclusion, "nya, luffles *hugs*" ^_^
