Saturday, May 22, 2010


I have absolutely no time for this, which is prolly the exact reason as to why I am blogging :P

Not sure if there's much positive stuff to recount from the past week or two...Let's have a looky, ne?

-> Had to give a tutorial presentation on an article about textual/political theory that I didn't (and still don't) quite understand...luckily a friend who used to rp with Halfling and I is doing his Masters (or something like that) on the guy that the writer of my article blatantly copied, so he was able to explain stuff to me. THANKYOU SO VERY FREAKING MUCH DAVE! I WOULD HAVE FAILED WITHOUT YOU. And I don't just mean the presentation >.> This subject is looking to be the only one I'll ever come close to failing...

In the coming two weeks I have:
Monday/tomorrow- Japanese Listening Test (unprepared for)
Wednesday- Japanese myth vs. Greek myth History essay due (haven't started, although I have heaps...possibly too many...sources.)
Thursday- GMing 七人の侍 session in L5R (unprepared for, although I admit this is fun and I look forward to it)
Friday- Literature essay/wikipedia entry on The Man of Feeling is due. (unprepared for...still reading the book despite its brevity, and I'll be asking for an extension because I haven't technically been handed the assignment yet)
Saturday/Sunday (unsure which)- tutoring Isabel in Japanese. Okay, so this one should be a lot of fun :3 But the point is, it is still work, and that cuts into assignment/exam prep, I guess.
Tuesday- Japanese Speaking Test, about my dreams and plans for the future...might have to prep for that sometime soon, ne...
Thursday- final exam for that English subject on theory which I'm liable to fail...>.>

And what am I doing right now? Writing a freaking blog. Don't make me go back to assignment writing and test prepping...please?

Aside from academia destroying my already frail psyche, all I can really say other than "YAY! WAFERS~~~<3">
Oh, and I now know GG guy's name, although I kinda wish I didn't >.<

Something positive from bouncy, optimistic Phe? Not this week, guys. Not this week.

1 comment:

  1. Positive outcome of this week:

    (1) Gaytime with bastard-cha
    (2) epic moments that bastard-chan had with macguy and awesome laughs
    (3) there a 3?
