Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Hey guys~ Exams are over, I don't need to wake up at 6:30 every morning, and I had the candy dream last night :3 Things are whimsically pleasant :P What the hell is the "candy dream" you wonder? Occasionally (between every few months to every few years), when my sugar consumption is rather lower than my tastebuds wish it to be, I have what I call the candy dream. Walking around a massive supermarket which sells only bulk buy confestionery. My favourite part of the store is, of course, the substitute of the fruit section, where there's just tables and tables of Pick and mix candy. SO MANY GUMMY BEARS~~~ It was so much fun, and reminded me of lollies I had almost forgotten existed. Looks like I'll be dropping by Sugar station tonight on my way to the city :3

There's honestly not much more to say; you can clearly see what's on my mind xD and apparently there's nothing else. Bye peeople~ <3


  1. Candy is sweet and happiness making. As such, I highly recommend its consumption...in moderation...sorta... XD

  2. nom nom nom, there will be some candy for you at camp.
