Sunday, August 22, 2010

Manimadness aftermath

Yeah, it's been a while, I know. Shout out to Elinor, partially coz I can, and partially coz I said I would in my next blog post (whenever that would be >.>).

Okay, so this particular post is mainly a way for me to get out of answering the "How was Manifest?" question that I'm going to be asked by everyone I've ever met. This way, I can just link, or perhaps copy and paste parts of the text if I don't wanna be TOO lazy.

Went into the city in my Conrad cosplay, met up with Jenni in her Lulu cosplay on the way. We trained it to Melbourne Showgrounds (yay @ Metro for doing something actually convenient for once) and met up with some people as we did some shopping in the Traders' Hall (or in my case, a whole lot of purchasing fan art...gotta love the bishies~, and Ranna gave me a pair of long-furred black neko ears :3) and watched the Fruits fashion show. It's effectively a contest where people who either made or purchased clothes ranging dramatically in style from Steampunk to Gothic Lolita to RAINBOW MAN show off what they're wearing and the audience gets to see the pretty. Truly awesome guy from the past few years didn't participate this year =\ I was looking forward to seeing more cool things like his Draconic outfits. I wasn't disappointed with the other regular contestant, Ash, however, as like last year she presented a Steampunk outfit featuring wings this year, looking more steampunky but less intricate than the steampunk bustle dress from last year...both awesome :3 There was a girl in an Optimus Prime themed dress this year. Funny. As. Hell. Hope I can find a pic of that soon.

At the back of the Traders' Hall was the giant Gundam 'Infinite Injustice' built out of pocky boxes, constructed by various awesome members of the Anime club. Definitely regret not being able to help out with that this year. Maybe next year?

Not much else happened Friday, and Halfling, Eloise and I went to Good Games for the weekly rp. I'll be honest; I found the night frustrating more than anything.

Had to get to Manifest early so we could cheer on JonJon and May in Anime Idol. The first contestant...simply blew me away. Insta-crush, right there. Sings, plays guitar, can draw, can dance, likes K-Pop, and IS PRETTY. Nuff said. I want.
Anyway, we had to put up with three Anime idol hosts this year. The original girl who has been hosting for a few years now, despite constantly saying "So why dijoo chooze your sooooooong?" hasn't been vanquished yet, much to my astonishment. Seriously, what? Boring guy who danced a fair bit a few years ago that reminds me of Steve Dean but brainless was there too. I couldn't help but make retorts to almost all of his statements that the nearby audience could hear, and Halfling suggested I try and be a Host or counter-host next year, because then the host side of things wouldn't suck. Gotta say, the idea had some appeal. Kit, the former Bumblebee girl was also a host this year. Didn't mind that at all; she doesn't have many fans amongst my friends, but she's earned my respect due to her singing and enthusiasm.

Right after Idol (JonJon got through to the finals, btw) was the Saturday Dantai performance. We had some pretty serious technical difficulties in relation to the sound system...*glares at the lack of one provided by MCAC* but after making use of Jeremy's laptop (lifesaver <3)>

Don't really remember much else about Saturday, other than waiting in the 'AMV Happy Hour' room for the following Little Kuriboh Q & A (I got my manifest pass signed by him earlier that morning <3)>

Anime Idol was at 11:30 today, meaning I had a chance to kinda sleep in at Halfling's place, and had icecream for brekky :3. We went to Manifest, had some more food and ran into Timay (a friend studying Fashion design at Tafe, makes almost all of his clothes, and cosplayed as a VERY hot Roxas a couple of years in a row~) and some of his other friends ^^. Bought a necklace/choker thingy with ribbon and a bell on it for Nekochan's birthday, and eventually went to Anime idol. ...No guitar today, but<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3>

Not much to say other than that, so please leeave comments and keep nudging me to post more often <3

Luffles Phe~